Margherita Belgiojoso (Milan, 1978).
Tel: +39 339 6148483 -
Margherita Belgiojoso is a free-lance journalist who spent more than ten years writing from Russia for the main Italian papers and magazines on a wide range of issues. She travelled to most countries of the former Soviet Union and the Western Balkans. Born and raised in Milan, she earned a Degree at the Courtauld Institute of Art and a Masters Degree at the London School of Economics. She now lives in Beijing and is married with two children. She has written the book "Là dove s'inventano i sogni. Donne di Russia" published in Italy by Guanda.

2018 Là dove s’inventano i sogni. Donne di Russia, Guanda editore
2015 - 2019 International Press Office Fondazione Aquileia, Rome
- Exhibition and lectures cycle "Archeologia Ferita" (Wounded Archeology)
- Curatorship of the catalogue Il Bardo ad Aquileia (Il Bardo in Aquileia), Allemandi publishing house
- Curatorship of the catalogue Leoni e tori dall’antica Persia ad Aquileia (Lions and bulls from Persia to Aquileia), Allemandi publishing house
- Curatorship of the catalogue Volti di Palmira ad Aquileia (Portraits of Palmyra in Aquileia), Allemandi publishing house
Ottobre 2016 Organization of the conference A che cosa serve (ancora) l’arte?, (What is art for?) for Umberto Allemandi publisher and The Art Newspaper, Vatican Museums
2012 - 2014 Coordination of the Eccellenze italiane (Italian excellences) cultural activities programme, Italian Embassy in Moscow
- Curatorship of the book Mille anni di architettura italiana in Russia (A thousand years of Italian architecture in Russia), Allemandi publishing house
- Curatorship of the book L'Ambasciata d'Italia a Mosca (The Italian Embassy in Moscow), Allemandi publishing house
- Curatorship of the book Russia Italiana (Italian Russia), Gamma Press
2011 - 2012 Coordination and press office Anno della lingua e della cultura italiana in Russia (Year of Italian language and culture in Russia), Italian embassy in Moscow
- Exhibitions cycle Capolavori dai Musei italiani. Da Raffaello a Caravaggio (Masterpieces from Italian Museums. From Raphael to Caravaggio)
- Curatorship of the catalogue Bellini a Villa Berg, Allemandi publishing house
- Curatorship of the catalogue Bernini a Villa Berg, Allemandi publishing house
- Curatorship of the catalogue Lorenzo Lotto a Villa Berg, Allemandi publishing house
- Curatorship of the catalogue Caravaggio a Villa Berg, Allemandi publishing house
- Curatorship of the catalogue Bronzino a Villa Berg, Allemandi publishing house
2004 - 2011 Freelance journalist, Moscow
- Reportages from Uzbekistan, Kazakistan, Mongolia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaigian, Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkazia, North Ossetia, Transnistria, Ukraine, Bielorussia, Estonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, India, North Korea, Cina, Turkey.
- Contributions to l'Espresso, Il Sole24Ore, Il Domenicale del Sole24Ore, 24, Il Foglio, Diario, Limes, il Manifesto, Alias, l'Unità, Saturno, D di Repubblica, Io Donna, Vanity Fair,, Grazia, Peacereporters, Marie Claire, Raidue, Rai RadioTre, Radio24.
- 2006 Contribution to the documentary film È la Russia ragazzi! (This it’s Russia, guys!), Orme
- 2009 Contribution to the tv programme Il Grande Gioco (The Great Game) by Pietrangelo Buttafuoco and Francesco Cirafici, Raidue
2004 Curatorship of the book by Boris Kagarlitsky Dove va la Russia (Where is Russia going?), Di Renzo publishing house
2003 - 2005 Retail Project Ferrero, Mosca
2002 - 2003 Master in Political Economy of Transition, London School of Economics, London
1998 - 2001 Bachelor of Art in History of Art, Courtauld Institute of Art, London
- Summer 1999 Internship Fondazione Memmo, Rome
- Summer 1999 Caritas Volunteer, Kosovo
- Summer 1998 Internship J.P. Morgan Library, New York
1992 - 1997 Maturità Classica Liceo G. Parini, Milan
1984 - 1991 Istituto Zaccaria, Milan
Languages italian, Russian, English, French, Spanish, elementary Turkish and Chinese.